Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blog from the Nemisis One

Hey Guys,
How long has it been since I've trod Earth soil? I recently heard about this blog thing from a Chiasta I met in the Six Talons Tavern on the Charnop Wormhole station. I'm giving it a go to see how things are. I had Nem, my ship's biointel, hook up with the necessary comsats to bounce the signals from here to the Gron Fronsi Quadrant.
At first I thought the Chiasta, a pleasant feline in her own right, who someday wants to be a Trouble Shooter, was just making conversation so I'd sponsor her to the Universal Council so she'd get work on my ship or someone else's.
As Glender has been out of the biz for a while and is now teaching at the UC Instersteller Situation Manager Academy, the Chiasta, Totahlini, might be gunning for a place on Yaracaz's ship. Knowing that I'm friends with both. Although I know the Chiasta are quite upfront about communications, unlike the Lingsway who can't give you a yes or no answer to the question: does one plus one equal two?
Anyway, Totahlini gave the information on a crystal about this blogging thing and I thought I'd give it a go.
Tursia, my mate (as we've not gone through the ritual from her home planet yet, we're still not technically husband and wife), thinks this is a fine idea. Something to get my mind off not having any work for almost three weeks. Although the break has been rather nice, especially with assignments back to back for nearly two years after the Gron Fronsi negotiations. I'm still rather amused that it got me so much work. Especially since the destruction I caused on the Lingsway Prime planet, kidnapping most of their upper echelon in government and knocking out one of the Gron Fronsi Princess's front teeth. But hey, with that one, she did back-hand me clear across her cell putting me unconscious for almost two days. I figure we're even. Plus, I did free her. I got off easy, as most of you know, she did manage to kill eight or nine of her captors and eat them.
With this as my first blog, I thought you might want to know about the upgrades to the Nemesis One. The main one is the worm-hole beams. With the added energy, I can open them from almost ten light-minutes away which is great to avoid the ever-irritating bureaucracy in the Bernusii System. I know it pisses them off to no end, but we Trouble Shooters have the authority, and they know it.
The second is an additional polymer layer to the outside of the ship. The new layer is about eighty carbon molecules thick, but that's enough to ease the transition from the vacuum of space to the intense pressure inside worm-holes. Also, with the assignment I had two months ago on the T'Slenokory Gem planet, the sulfuric atmosphere not only ruined the new finish I had on the ship, it somehow got into the filter systems (Nem thinks I didn't wash my exposure suit well enough--*he* says) and made the entire ship stink like rotten eggs. Targg and Beveran didn't mind, but hey, she's an amphibian and he's a reptile, so what can you say?
But I digress, the new polymer layer looks good and is functional. With this layer, I can also ramp up the shield capacity without lowering the power reserves. The layer isn't on the viewports or the upper view dome, but they're compressed carbon (diamond) anyway and probably the strongest parts of the ship.
Finally, after all of the crew's complaints, I added a new food system. It keeps the small rodents alive for Beveran (which I have to keep quiet about so I don't violate the Loctopian Bio Treaty which has been adapted in yet *another* system) and even has four new Earth meals. Although I had to adapt Cuttle-worm (no cattle out here) to make a decent corned-beef hash. This makes breakfast all the more enjoyable. Tursia, however, thinks it looks like vomit and refuses to have breakfast with me when I have CBH. But do I give her grief about eating those lizard intestinal flukes? I think not. I tried one, and found them way too salty and frankly, the flavor is very much like brussel sprouts. Ewwww.
Other news: after terrorizing poor Beveran for years, Targg has found a mate of her own species. My only request was that if she did have eggs, to either transfer them to her homeworld or put them in stasis. Or just use birth-control. I know it's unfair, but this is my ship and I just don't want a bunch of larval biped amphibians gooing up the ship while we're on a mission. I'd just feel bad if I stepped on one. At that stage, they don't have bones and it'd not only be messy, but emotional. You know amphibians.
I'll be ending this post. We just got an info pod. Could be a new assignment.
Until later,

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